Occurrence records


records in total.

1,089 Data sets
• Description only 1,009

Most recently added dataset is:

Basis of records

Records by date
3 Spatial layers
Contextual layers 3
Environmental/grided layers 0
Terrestrial layers 3
Marine layers 0

Records by state and territory
Most recorded species
3,197 Type specimens
Holotypes 549
Lectotypes 152
Neotypes 13
Isotypes 321
Types with images 100,801

Conservation status
Status# species
Endangered 0
Near Threatened 0
Least Concern/Unknown 0
Listed under FFG Act 0
Extinct 0
Parent Species (Unofficial) 0
Records by data provider
GBIF 506,387
Zavod za zaštitu okoliša i prirode 163,796
Not supplied 646,753
Records by institution
Not supplied 1.32M
Occurrence tree
Records by life form


Records and species by decade
Occurrence downloads by reason
Education 0 events 0 records
Scientific research 0 events 0 records
Systematic research/taxonomy 0 events 0 records
Collection management 0 events 0 records
Citizen science 0 events 0 records
Ecological research 0 events 0 records
Restoration/remediation 0 events 0 records
Environmental assessment 0 events 0 records
Biosecurity management/planning 0 events 0 records
Other scientific research 0 events 0 records
Conservation management/planning 0 events 0 records
Species modelling 0 events 0 records
Other 0 events 0 records
TOTAL 0 events 0 records


Occurrence downloads by user type
Education0 events0 records
Government0 events0 records
Other0 events0 records
Unspecified0 events0 records
TOTAL events records