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Occurrence records
records in total.
Data sets
Institutions | 4 |
Collections | 1 |
Data Resources | 1,012 |
• Data Available | |
• Description only | 1,012 |
Species List sets | 80 |
Most recently added dataset is:
Basis of records
Human observation | 1.09M |
Preserved specimen | 140,220 |
Material sample | 35,636 |
Machine observation | 20,579 |
Living specimen | 1,247 |
Records by date
Latest record | 29 October 2024 |
Last image added | 6 May 1954 |
1600s | 1 |
1700s | 6 |
1800s | 14,286 |
1900s | 118,052 |
2000s | 1.09M |
Spatial layers
Contextual layers | 3 |
Environmental/grided layers | 0 |
Terrestrial layers | 3 |
Marine layers | 0 |
Records by state and territory
Most recorded species
Corvus cornix - Bonte Kraai | 21,351 |
Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 - Gray Wolf | 20,220 |
Parus major - Great Tit | 18,327 |
Turdus merula - Merel | 17,011 |
Larus michahellis - Geelpootmeeuw | 14,846 |
Passer domesticus - Huismus | 14,567 |
90,008 |
Type specimens
Holotypes | 549 |
Lectotypes | 152 |
Neotypes | 13 |
Isotypes | 321 |
Types with images | 100,801 |
Conservation status
Status | # species |
Endangered | 0 |
Near Threatened | 0 |
Least Concern/Unknown | 0 |
Listed under FFG Act | 0 |
Extinct | 0 |
Parent Species (Unofficial) | 0 |
Records by data provider
GBIF | 506,387 |
Zavod za zaštitu okoliša i... | 163,796 |
Not supplied | 646,753 |
Records by institution
Not supplied | 1.32M |
Occurrence tree
Records by life form
Algae | 14,411 | Bryophytes | 2,320 |
Amphibians | 21,046 | Chromista | 10,266 |
Animals | 1.04M | Crustaceans | 11,397 |
Arthropods | 160,579 | Fungi | 16,069 |
Bacteria | 12,538 | Insects | 136,253 |
Birds | 646,287 | Mammals | 50,722 |
Records and species by decade
Occurrence downloads by reason
Education | 0 events | 0 records |
Scientific research | 0 events | 0 records |
Systematic research/taxonomy | 0 events | 0 records |
Collection management | 0 events | 0 records |
Citizen science | 0 events | 0 records |
Ecological research | 0 events | 0 records |
Restoration/remediation | 0 events | 0 records |
Environmental assessment | 0 events | 0 records |
Biosecurity management/planning | 0 events | 0 records |
Other scientific research | 0 events | 0 records |
Conservation management/planning | 0 events | 0 records |
Species modelling | 0 events | 0 records |
Other | 0 events | 0 records |
TOTAL | 0 events | 0 records |
Occurrence downloads by user type
Education | 0 events | 0 records |
Government | 0 events | 0 records |
Other | 0 events | 0 records |
Unspecified | 0 events | 0 records |
TOTAL | events | records |