Occurrence records


records in total.

1,092 Data sets
• Description only 1,012

Most recently added dataset is:

Basis of records

Records by date
3 Spatial layers
Contextual layers 3
Environmental/grided layers 0
Terrestrial layers 3
Marine layers 0

Records by state and territory
Most recorded species
3,197 Type specimens
Holotypes 549
Lectotypes 152
Neotypes 13
Isotypes 321
Types with images 100,801

Conservation status
Status# species
Endangered 0
Near Threatened 0
Least Concern/Unknown 0
Listed under FFG Act 0
Extinct 0
Parent Species (Unofficial) 0
Records by data provider
GBIF 506,387
Zavod za zaštitu okoliša i... 163,796
Not supplied 646,753
Records by institution
Not supplied 1.32M
Occurrence tree
Records by life form


Records and species by decade
Occurrence downloads by reason
Education 0 events 0 records
Scientific research 0 events 0 records
Systematic research/taxonomy 0 events 0 records
Collection management 0 events 0 records
Citizen science 0 events 0 records
Ecological research 0 events 0 records
Restoration/remediation 0 events 0 records
Environmental assessment 0 events 0 records
Biosecurity management/planning 0 events 0 records
Other scientific research 0 events 0 records
Conservation management/planning 0 events 0 records
Species modelling 0 events 0 records
Other 0 events 0 records
TOTAL 0 events 0 records


Occurrence downloads by user type
Education0 events0 records
Government0 events0 records
Other0 events0 records
Unspecified0 events0 records
TOTAL events records